Tag Archives: cancer alternative treatment

What to Do Next

Four brief steps to take:1. Read about the CA Care Therapy first and decide if you are prepared to work hard to heal yourself. We offer no magic bullet. Healing is yours to work for.2. Come to our centre personally or send your loved ones who know about your case with all medical reports and scans. If you are from another country send us an e-mail. But we must say we are very reluctant to take on patients via e-mails.3. Fill in First Visit form.4. Sign the Disclaimer and Release of Liability form.

Our centre is at 5, Lebuhraya Gelugor, Penang.

 Consultation with appointment only. Monday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

For appointment call 604-6595881 or email:

We provide free consultation on first come first served basis. However, the elderly or seriously ill get priority over others.

Click this link for map and contact details:   or

THE WAY WE WORK!We request you to do two things:1. You need to bring along all your medical reports and give us copies of them. In addition you need to fill in THE FIRST VISIT FORM.2. We require you to sign a Disclaimer & Release of Liability Form. You need to agree to release us from any liability and responsibility in the event that problems or complications arise from the consumption of our herbs.

Based on the feedback you give in the First Visit Form and Medical Reports we shall prescribe the necessary herbs. It is therefore very important that you answer the questions asked adequately – give all possible details of your problems. An answer of No and Yes would not be able to help us to help you.


Case 1: Helen has breast cancer and one breast has been removed. She is currently on chemotherapy. She suffered side effects like nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. She is constipated. She has no gastric problem.

Our prescription for Helen:
1. Capsule A: 2 cap., take 3 times per day on empty stomach.
2. C- Tea: take as drinking water, 1 to 2 liters per day.
3. Breast-M: take once a day (need boiling).
4. Chemo-Tea: take once a day while on chemotherapy.
5. Constipation Tea: take when necessary.

Case 2. James has colon cancer that has spread to the liver. His stomach is bloated and distended. He is in severe pain.

Our prescription for James:

1.Capsule A + B: 2 cap. A and 2 cap. B, take 3 times per day with honey water.
2. LL-Tea: take as drinking water, 1 to 2 lietes per day.
3. Liver-P: take once a day (need boiling).
4. Abdominal Distension Tea:for the bloated stomach, take once a day.
5. Pain Tea: take 3 to 6 times per day.

Information Required on First Visit Form 

Full Name:


Gender:  M / F

Part 1: Medical history 

Cancer: Type, stage and extent of spread (metastasis).

How it started, what doctors you have seen and the treatments given.   You MUST provide us with copies of all medical reports.

Part B : Your Current Medications

Are you currently on any herbs? If yes, are they effective? Give details. We request you to stop all other herbs if you wish to start with our herbs. You may continue to take your doctor’s medication, nutrients and vitamin supplements but list down what you are taking.

Part C: Your Current Health

The more details you provide, the better we can understand your problems.
1. Are you in pain? Where, how often/serious?

2. Can you sleep? Elaborate.

3. Feeling tired?

4. How often is your bowel movement? Difficult, constipated, with blood?

5. How is your appetite?

6. Any swelling? Where?

7. Do you have: Gastric problems? Diabetes? High blood pressure?

8. Urination – frequency? painful? with blood?

9. Cough? What phlegm colour (white/yellow). Itchy throat?

10. Difficulty in breathing? Elaborate.

11. List and explain any other complaints.

Disclaimer and Release of Liability

Particulars of  patient: 




being of age and sound mind, and who is suffering from cancer of: ________________ hereby voluntarily make the following declaration that: 

1.  I have on my own free will, come to seek advice and help from Dr. Chris K H Teo and members of his CA Care team (being a project of CA Care Centre Plt) with regards to my illness. I acknowledge that there is no guarantee or promise that the herbs provided by CA Care can benefit me or cure my sickness. I am aware that I shall be taking the herbs prescribed to me on my own free will and choice and at my own risk. I declare that I shall not under any circumstances hold Dr. Chris KH Teo or any members of his CA Care liable in the event that problems or complications arise from the consumption of such herbs.

2.  I am fully aware that Dr. Chris K H Teo and members of his CA Care are giving his/her/their advice free of charge and in good faith to help me with my sickness, which I know is serious. I am at full liberty to accept or reject the advice given to me. I understand that any payment I make is for the cost of herbs and/or supplies only.

3.  I also acknowledge that Dr. Chris K H Teo and the members of CA Care have advised me to go for whatever medical treatments necessary and that I am fully responsible for my choices of treatment.

4.  I am aware that Dr. Teo and his team are collecting and documenting data on cancer and that my case history is part of this research effort. My consultation sessions with Dr. Teo are video-taped and I have no objection to this. However, in the event that my case history is being documented and published, my real name cannot be used without my permission. Similarly, video clip(s) of me cannot be used without masking my face to hide my identity, unless with my prior permission.

I make this declaration to release Dr. Chris K H Teo and members of CA Care from any liability and responsibility, and hereby put my signature as below:

Signature: _________________________   Name:

Witness: ___________________________ Name:

Dated: ____________________________  at 5, Lebuhraya Gelugor, Penang.


For those who ask for help online

Thank you very much for writing to us about your problem. We fully understand the need to find alternative methods when medical science has failed. CA Care exists because of this need. In the past we did try to help cancer patients via the net. But our experience showed that we failed miserably. It did not work out.

To be useful to cancer patients:

  • I need to see patients personally or at least a family member who knows exactly the problem. I need to talk to them and assess their problems face to face. By seeing the patients, I might be able know what was wrong with them. Then I need to see all the medical reports and scans – blood test results, USG, MRI, CT or PET scan.  It is only after this study and dialogue that I know exactly what to do and prescribe the herbs. There are over 100 types of herbal teas that we specially formulated for cancer patients and they are specific for each problem. So to get the best from our experience means we just cannot do things on line.
  • After patient takes the herbs, I would need them to come back again after a week or two for me to assess the effectiveness of the herbs. If there is a need to I may have to add or subtract certain herbs.
  • By meeting and talking to patients and know what they eat, how they live, etc. I would be able to know what has gone wrong and suggest changes.
  • Cancer is a complex problem that involves both physical and mental aspects. Taking herbs alone is no magic. We have to do more than that – change of lifestyle, mental attitude, diet etc.

The above is nothing new. Patients need to be physically present to get help from their medical doctors. Every patient knows that. The same applies to CA Care. This is even more necessary knowing that almost all patients who come or write to us are medically failed cases – they are generally at the end stage where their doctors cannot meaningfully help them anymore. So at CA Care, I need to be more serious and more committed than just reading emails and trying to play god. 

I hope you understand through this short explanation that it is extremely hard for me to help patients who live in foreign countries. I have tried this for some years and my experience showed me that at the end of it all, it is just a waste of effort and also a waste of money on your part. It is most frustrating indeed for me.

If you have read our articles in the websites: or or patients do experience miraculous healing. You will note that these patients (or a family member) come here and we do the therapy together. That is the reason why they succeed. I need to see patients every now and then to know what is going on.

I don’t want to be negative.  I understand that you need help but I must be sincere and honest to myself too. In my heart I know there are times and situations when I just cannot help. The problem is beyond me to solve. And I also know that I cannot solve everybody’s problem in this world. I have been working very hard every day to help cancer patients and I know in my heart that I can do that much and no more.

But please don’t give up. If you open up your heart and mind, you will know that there are also alternative healers in your own country. Why don’t you try them? Ask around and you may find one. I am sorry for being unable to help.

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Posted by on June 6, 2012 in 03 What to Do Next


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